Works: Miscellaneous |
All publications are arranged according to the year of the first appearance.
::::: 1986 :::::
nihongo. Informationsblätter für Japanischlehrer und -lernende
[nihongo. Information bulletin for teachers and students of Japanese]
Founded, published and edited by W. Hadamitzky
Berlin: self-supported publishing 1986-1990, 2 (quarterly)
Contains contributions and information, mostly collected, written and presented by the editor, on topics such as “Methods and Didactics”, “Language Courses”, “Textbooks and Reference Works”, “People and Institutions”.
Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
[Japanese-German Centre Berlin]
in: nihongo. 1. 1986, 1. p.9

::::: 1987 :::::
Wörterbuch für Schulen
[Dictionary for schools]
in: nihongo. 2. 1987, 3/4. p.18

::::: 1988 :::::
Japanisch an deutschen Schulen
[Japanese at German schools]
in: nihongo. 3. 1988, 4. p.15
Robert Schinzinger gestorben
[Robert Schinzinger deceased]
in: nihongo. 3. 1988, 4. p.19

::::: 1989 :::::
Symposium “The Teaching of Japanese” in Dänemark März 1989
[Symposium “The Teaching of Japanese” in Denmark, March 1989]
in: nihongo. 4.1989, 2. p.2-3
Vorstellung neuer elektronischer Lehr- und Wörterbücher
[Introducing new electronic textbooks and dictionaries]
in: nihongo. 4.1989, 4. p.5-7

::::: 1996 :::::
Willkommen und Abschied (Leserbrief)
[Welcome and farewell (letter to the editor)]
in: Japan aktuell. Dec. 1996 / Jan. 1997. p.4

::::: 2000 :::::
Japanisch-deutsches Glossar
[Japanese-German glossary]
in: Bildung und Erziehung in Japan. Berlin 2000. p.418-439

::::: 2001 :::::
Interview: JaDe-Preis 2001 für Wolfgang Hadamitzky
[Interview: JaDe-award 2001 for Wolfgang Hadamitzky]
in: sbb-intern. Berlin. 7. 2001, 5/6. p.9-11

::::: 2005 :::::
25 years of the German-language edition of Kanji & Kana
When the original German-language version of the Handbook and Dictionary of the Japanese Writing System Kanji & Kana was published by Enderle Book Co., Tokyo in 1979, it was not foreseeable that this book would live to see the year 2004. In those times, the number of German students of the Japanese language was so small that nobody could have even thought of a reprint.
Since the Enderle edition was only sold in Japan, the same textbook was published by Langenscheidt for the German market in 1980. This edition has since been revised many times, updated, completely typeset anew, and expanded by a second volume.
Small chronicle: 25 years of Kanji & Kana |
Preparing the manuscript for the book Kanji & Kana and its 3 supplementary Practice Books
Kanji & Kana: Übungsbuch 1–3 published by Enderle Book Co., Tokyo
Kanji & Kana: Übungsbuch 1–3 published by Langenscheidt, Munich
(The owner of the small printing office in Tokyo that has been contracted for typesetting and printing vanishes from view, having received 15,000 Deutsch Marks in advance from the author. The already set publishing date for the book 1977 has become doubtful because a new printing office and new financial fundings had to be searched.)
Kanji & Kana: Lehrbuch und Lexikon der japanischen Schrift published by Enderle Book Co., Tokyo
Kanji & Kana: Langenscheidts Lehrbuch und Lexikon der japanischen Schrift published by Langenscheidt
Kanji & Kana: A Handbook and Dictionary of the Japanese Writing System published by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland (Vermont) and Tokyo
Kanji & Kana: Der 4. Index. Additional index of all German words and terms appearing in Kanji & Kana.
Compiled and published by Hermann Bullinger, Hamburg
Kanji & Kana: French edition by Ostasien-Verlag, Berlin. Since 1987 published by J. Maisonneuve, Paris
Kanji & Kana. Index of the approx. 9,000 Japanese Compounds. Compiled by Hans Mihm
Kanji & Kana: The C-64 program based on the Textbook and Lexicon of Japanese Writing. Programming by Claus-Ulrich Liepke. Published by Ostasien-Verlag, Berlin (awarded the “Förderpreis des Deutschen Softwarepreises 1986 für die Sekundarstufe 2”)
MacJAIL: Online version of the textbook on floppy disks. Programming by Yves Grauer and Thomas Börner. Published by JAPAN Media, Berlin
A Guide to Writing Kanji & Kana: Book 1 and 2. English edition of the Practice Books. Published by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland/Vermont and Tokyo
MacSUNRISE Script: Online version of the textbook on CD-ROM. Programming by Jörg Ruminski. Published by JAPAN Media, Berlin
Kanji and Kana: Vol. 1, Handbook. Newly typeset edition of the textbook by Langenscheidt. First part of the 2-volume set (1997)
Kanji & Kana: Hungarian edition by Scholastica, Budapest
Kanji & Kana. A Handbook of the Japanese Writing System. Revised edition published by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland (Vermont) and Tokyo |
Kanji and Kana: Vol. 2, Dictionary. Index of all Japanese and German words from Volume 1, including German and Japanese translations and their serial number in volume 1
2003–2004 |
A Guide to Writing Kanji & Kana. Book 1 and 2. Enlarged edition published by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland (Vermont) and Tokyo.
::::: 2019–2022 :::::
Kanji Posters
For more information, go to page Kanji Posters.

::::: 2023 :::::
Interview. (440 KB)
from: Kawaraban. (DJG Berlin) Jan./Febr. 2023. p. 13-29.
