Recent |
::::: December 16, 2024 | Bibliography of Japan now complete :::::
The publication of volume B 3/2 in December 2024 marks the completion of the twelve-volume work, listing German-language books and articles on Japan published between 1477 and 1985.
::::: July 30, 2022 | Collection of Kanji Posters Once Again Expanded :::::
We have added two new posters to the collection of seven kanji posters that was last published on July 24, 2021. More information can be found here.
::::: July 24, 2021 | Collection of Kanji Posters Complete :::::
The collection of Kanji posters published here for the first time in July 2019 is now available with a revised content and new posters. More information can be found here.
::::: July 26, 2019 | Kanji in Motion (KiM) :::::
Kanji in Motion (KiM) is a program that lets you expand and refresh your kana and kanji skills in a game-like way. In particular, it trains the rapid recognition of characters and promotes reading speed. The data is based on the book Japanese Kanji and Kana.
The program is available for Windows and macOS. The price for the US version is 6.99 USD. There is a 14-day money-back guarantee, unless played for more than 120 minutes.
For more information please click here or visit the STEAM website. |
::::: July 24, 2019 | Kanji Posters :::::
Kanji posters are among the most popular Japanese learning tools. They not only provide a quick overview of already learned and yet to be learned kanji, but can be true eye-catchers with the right design. You might find on the page Kanji Posters a poster that you like, and that you might want to download (for free) and print out at a copy shop in a desired size – preferably 594 x 840 mm or larger. |
::::: July 24, 2018 | Kanji Tests / Tests de kanjis :::::
Those who are learning Japanese are able to obtain, even outside Japan, internationally recognized certificates evidencing how well they know Japanese kanji. Materials to prepare for taking tests of the two big international test systems are found here.
Les étudiants en japonais peuvent obtenir aussi à l’extérieur du Japon des certificats d’aptitude en kanjis reconnus internationalement. Nous vous proposons ici les matériaux de préparation aux examens de deux systèmes de tests assez répandus. |
A self-study workbook for learning Japanese characters.
::::: January 22, 2014 | Japanese Kanji and Kana now available as e-book :::::
Since February 2013, Japanese Kanji and Kana is available as e-book.
::::: July 29, 2009 | WORKS: Books: Links to additional information :::::
Via links to Amazon, Google Books and publishers you have quick access to additional information on the books under the heading WORKS: Books. Reviews, sample pages, supply sources with prices, and much more are just a click away. We have also worked to give the page a clear and pleasant layout.
::::: July 29, 2009 | Automatic reformatting :::::
This website has been changed from fixed-frame formatting to automatic reformatting, to fit users’ ever-larger screens.
::::: Oct. 27, 2005 | Linguapedia: A guide to the Japanese language :::::
Those who are trying to learn Japanese often are confronted with concepts that are not explained adequately, or even at all, in printed instructional materials or on the Internet. On the Internet especially, one must deal with anonymous articles of questionable quality. In addition, instructional materials present information mostly in piecemeal fashion, with a single topic presented broken up into bite-size pieces distributed among many lessons, with no tabular overview that brings all the pieces together. A goal of the Linguapedia is to plug this gap by presenting, compiled in one place, everything a learner might want to know about any given topic. Topics are presented in alphabetical order under titles such as “kanji”, “radicals”, “character dictionaries”, and “pitch accent”, and are explained in an easy-to-follow way. The articles are supplemented with tables that give the beginner an overview of the topic, presenting, for example, all the kana characters. But even those who are far advanced in the language will find useful information, such as how to write, and input by a keystroke-sequence, rare syllables like ドゥァ that are represented with two or three kana.
This Linguapedia is not a finished product but a first, faltering step in a never-ending project. It would be good to have more collaborators on this project, for the amount of material to present is just too broad and complex for one or two persons. The initial entries deal with questions that have heretofore been neglected in Japanese-language studies, such as the topic of radical systems, for which there are few brief overview articles and practical instructions. The articles are dated and signed with the full name (except for W.H.) of their authors.
Suggestions and critical comments are always welcome.
Wolfgang Hadamitzky and Mark Spahn
::::: Oct. 27, 2005 | 25 years of Kanji & Kana :::::
In 1981 the first edition of the textbook Kanji & Kana by Wolfgang Hadamitzky and Mark Spahn was published by Charles E. Tuttle Company in Rutland, VT and Tokyo. Its unique combination of graded textbook and versatile reference book for approximately 2,000 kanji as well as its reliability has made it the standard work among kanji books. For details see the 2011 revised edition with sample pages.
Since 1991 the textbook has been accompanied by the two-volume Guide to Writing Kanji & Kana. The self-study workbooks provide ample space for writing practice of the hiragana and katakana syllabaries and of the 1,945 Jōyō Kanji.
For more details and sample pages click here.