Biographical Data |
1941 |
born in Tilsit (East Prussia, now Russia) |
1944 |
flight to Thüringen (East Germany) |
1948 |
flight from Thüringen to the vicinity of Bremen (West Germany) |
1961 |
highschool graduation in Bremen |
1961/62 |
military service |
1962-1965 |
librarian degree at the libraries in Bremen and Hamburg |
1965-1967 |
employed in the German National Museum in Nürnberg |
1967–1970 |
employed as librarian at Goethe-Institut in Oslo |
1971–1975 |
employed as librarian at Goethe-Institut in Tokyo; study of the Japanese language – evening classes |
1975–1977 |
further stay in Japan; continued study of Japanese and work on the book Kanji & Kana |
1977–2004 |
employed as librarian in the East Asian Department of the State Library of Berlin, specializing in the cataloging of Japanese books, and as Japan-related information/materials consultant |
since 1975 |
further publishing of textbooks and dictionaries of the Japanese language: Books, CD-ROM, and online (Kanji in Motion); articles on lexicography; reviews; co-compiler of the Bibliography of Japan (12 volumes) |
since 2000 |
maintenance of my website www.hadamitzky.de |
::::: Further Japan-related Activities :::::
Jan. 1970 – Oct. 1977
stay in Japan
April 1981
stay in Japan
founding of Ostasien-Verlag, Berlin (dissolution 1987)
Nov. – Dec. 1988
stay in Japan
founding of JAPAN Media Publishing, Berlin (dissolution 1999)
editor and publisher of “nihongo. Informationsblätter für Japanischlehrer und -lernende” (“nihongo. Information Bulletin for Teachers and Students of Japanese”
teacher of Japanese language at highschool Berlin-Zehlendorf
awarded JaDe-Prize (Japanese-German Prize), together with Mr. Tsuji Hikaru by the “Association for Advancement of Japanese-German Cultural Relations” of Cologne
::::: Membership :::::
German-Japanese Association Berlin (Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Berlin)